Thai massage

Thai massage is a combination of assisted stretching, acupressure, and gentle muscle manipulation for relaxation. It can help improve circulation, boost collagen, alleviate insomnia, and help certain bodily ailments. For example, one clinical study found that it can combat osteoporosis.

Thai massage is best experienced in soft, flexible clothing. Yoga pants and a plain, fine-spun t-shirt are ideal. Leggings, thin sweatpants, and even PJ pants also work. Traditional Thai massage pants will also be available at the appointment free of charge.

Katie Botkin has been certified in Thai massage by the Thai Ministry of Health. Please send her a message if you would like to schedule an appointment. The introductory price is $60 per hour, and it’s possible to schedule 1 hour, 1.5 hour or 2 hour increments, depending on your needs. Consider if you would like a traditional Thai massage, with harder pressure and a traditional structure, or if you would prefer a more Westernized Thai massage with gentler pressure. If there is a specific problem you’d like addressed, please indicate that. Include any relevant massage-related health information, such as heart conditions, varicose veins, arthritis, pregnancy, broken bones or sprains.

Katie’s home studio is on Third Ave. in Sandpoint, Idaho.