Her body in marriage

I’ve been in the process of moving, which means downsizing, sorting through old boxes, and (in what I considered a stroke of genius) setting up a roomful of stuff to give away and hosting a party to minimize what I haul to Goodwill. If I give my friends enough wine, undoubtedly they will be persuaded toContinue reading “Her body in marriage”

The Shubin Report and the man behind the curtain

Recently, there was a kerfluffle on Facebook in which one of the Christ Church deacons accused Natalie Greenfield of lying on multiple occasions. Despite repeated requests, he was unable to point out what he was referring to. Later commentary from another kirker mentioned the “parent-approved relationship” that Doug Wilson has consistently touted and which NatalieContinue reading “The Shubin Report and the man behind the curtain”

Doug Wilson plagiarism Bingo

To play: shuffle excuses, print them out, distribute to friends. Obviously, this is more Bing than Bingo, but it should provide for some entertainment while we wait to see how many of these regurgitated excuses we’ll hear from Doug Wilson before the dust settles. We’ve heard many of them from him before. Thanks in no small partContinue reading “Doug Wilson plagiarism Bingo”

Translating Beowulf

I have a day job, which I occasionally reference here — I work for MultiLingual magazine, managing the content for the translation industry’s most global magazine — we ship to 80-plus countries and cover translation and localization topics from around the world. As such, I occasionally get asked to write for other industry publications, appearContinue reading “Translating Beowulf”

The Man Who Would be King

Readers of my blog have been asking for a recap of the recent Doug Wilson controversies. I’ve written one below, with new and highly relevant information included towards the end. I’ve also included a number of footnotes for those interested in checking out some (non-anonymous) sources.   Silencing dissent for “peace and purity” By Katie Botkin, withContinue reading “The Man Who Would be King”

Protection and propriety

On this Valentine’s Day, I hope the single women do not feel like they are less than — particularly where safety is involved. Over a decade ago, back when I worked at a college newspaper, all the editors had a meeting to discuss the way we were going to cover an alleged sexual assault case.Continue reading “Protection and propriety”

How To Not Get Shot

In light of the internet flurries intent on telling women how they should best go about not getting raped, I figured we need to start informing people how to avoid getting shot, in this country of so many mass shootings, accidental shootings, etc etc. Tips to prevent yourself from getting shot Don’t go into neighborhoodsContinue reading “How To Not Get Shot”

Survey question

I know that a number of people have posted links to sources critical of Doug Wilson’s recent actions, or expressed critique themselves, and subsequently been contacted by CREC pastors, elders and their family members with various injunctions against posting/saying such things. Usually, these injunctions are worded as “you don’t know the whole story, so youContinue reading “Survey question”