Waves, meteors and cougars

My family took the opportunity of a recent trip to Oregon to revisit the cold, gray beaches where we grew up. My niece spotted the rolling mass of waves from afar and asked: “Get in it? My feet?” and her parents were happy to comply, while the baby kept warm with my own parents. MyContinue reading “Waves, meteors and cougars”

Samuel comes to Oregon

“Chloe,” I whispered “Guess who you’re going to see soon? Samuel!” We had just finished dinner, and I had it on good authority that Chloe’s favorite uncle was 20 minutes away. Chloe started jumping up and down. “See Samah soon! See Samah soon!” The rest of us live in Idaho, spread out over less thanContinue reading “Samuel comes to Oregon”

Easter in the graveyard

My sister’s in-laws have this tradition of getting a bunch of people together and eating Easter breakfast as a picnic in the graveyard. The result is this sunny spread of bacon, sausage and sweet rolls against the backdrop of weathered gravestones, right around the time of year when you could actually first have a picnicContinue reading “Easter in the graveyard”

Glendale Raptors defeat Old Puget Sound Beach in spring season start (and other stories)

Glendale won 35-21 after a close game this past Saturday between two of the nation’s leading rugby teams. Despite winning the last season, the Colorado-based Raptors had suspected that they would have their work cut out for them in playing the Washington-based opposition on its own turf, and, indeed, they were tied at the beginningContinue reading “Glendale Raptors defeat Old Puget Sound Beach in spring season start (and other stories)”

Language, IQ and firstborns

For the past couple of decades, I’ve come in and out of contact with articles saying that firstborn children tend to have better verbal skills, on average, than their younger siblings. This, of course, gelled with my own experience as a preternaturally linguistic firstborn child — my mother recorded my early verbal expressions faithfully, reportingContinue reading “Language, IQ and firstborns”